HRN 493: Obsessive Public Service

East Coast Host Gary K4AAQ here (the 👑 of HAM)…

You can operate public service effectively with a single mobile radio (I recommend a dual-band, dual-display radio, though), and probably a dual-band HT. So that's why I have 5 mobile radios and a scanner, and 10 or so handhelds, all programmed and ready to go. Obsessive. Borderline compulsive.

A short, live ‘broadcast’ from Sunday - audio’s ok, video’s pretty bad.

This episode is a mini-doc of my prep and some operation during my big annual Public Service event, BikeMS New Bern. I was just going to shoot a few snippits on my phone (Goole Pixel 6 Pro). I ended up with lots more than I expected - enough to make a show! And look 👀 it’s less than 30 minutes long!

HRN 493: Obsessive Public Service
K4AAQ & Company
HRN 493 Episode Poster - the WARNING light on top of the Q-Mobile