HRN 489: Radio Trader

Gary K4AAQ begins reviewing the ARRL comments on RM 11953, the request to modify the HF side of Part 90 (commercial radio regs) to allow high power, wider bandwidth data to be used for “High Frequency Trading” on the various stock exchanges. The ARRL says this has a clear potential to create significant interference in the ham radio bands and for other HF users.

After a bit, Ria N2RJ joins the show and, well, makes it more interesting. David W0DHG and Jim NO1PC have the week off. So we modify the name of the channel to Ria’s HamRadioNow Shack just for this episode.

Here’s a link to download the PDF of the ARRL’s comments on RM 11953 with my ‘marginal notes’: K4AAQ’s PDF

HRN 489: Radio Trader