HamRadioNow finally appeared in the iTunes 'store'. Seems like every 12-year-old podcaster has accomplished that task, but it took me forever (more than 4 years) to get it done. I still can't say I understand the process, or that I know how to make changes, but I think I can follow the breadcrumb trail back when I have to. So now you should be able to find it just by entering 'HamRadioNow' in your podcast app. It works in my Podcast Republic app, and it works in the iTunes store. Let me know if it does or doesn't work for you. And if it doesn't, the RSS page has a manual link.
What's not working is having HamRadioNow show up in a generic search for 'ham radio' or 'amateur radio'. I think I have the keywords all in the right places, but maybe not. If that doesn't start happening in a week or three, I'll go follow those breadcrumbs and see what I can find.
Meanwhile, Cyndi and I are back from Europe. See the raw video appearing on the KN4AQ2 YouTube Channel. There are two videos up as I type this. I say 'raw' but they are slightly edited to balance audio levels and remove (most) inadvertent shots of my feet, camera shakes and such. For vacation footage, I learned to 'edit in the camera', taking (mostly) short shots and not (way) too many of them. I still managed to get an average of 45 minutes a day, so releasing one day's worth of video at a time isn't too big a bite to chew. And if you missed it, Cyndi and I recorded an audio podcast as we were on the high-speed train between Paris and London (Episode 252). I edited video to it when we got home. That's here on the site under the Episodes tab. We still have the London stuff to do.
I also just got back from Dayton with another ton of stuff — forums, interviews, and random video. Coming first will be another 'on the road' show — the DAYTONa 500 (because it's about 500 miles from my house in North Carolina to the Hamvention®). That's almost done. I used the new headset-mic suggested, and partially funded, by show fan Mark Cartwright for the road video and the Hamvention interviews. Very convenient, though it rolls off the low end of my basso profundo voice. Maybe this will prompt me to buy a real pro headset mic. First I need some good studio lights. Arvin, how's the bank account?
Speaking of Arvin, a bunch of you approached me at Dayton to say how much you liked the show. I interviewed several of you, so you will appear in an upcoming episode. And many of you 'fed the pig' (by proxy, since I didn't bring Arvin with me). Hamfests are a huge ego-boost!
So yay, lots of editing to do. And you all know how much I like editing.