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HRN 490: A Little Hole in the Sky (RERUN of HRN 343)

My Facebook feed reminded me that 6 years ago, I was headed out to Wyoming to view my first ever Total Eclipse, along with Jeff AC4ZO (SK) and Bobbie KD4ZVW (Cyndi KD4ACW took her dad, Mac W4PVT (SK) down to the Columbia SC area, also along the path, but 'iffy' for clear WX. We all got lucky with clear skies).

Later that month, we did a show to review the experience - HRN 343 "Totaled". So as David W0DHG battens down the hatches in preparation for Tropical Storm Hilary in Los Angeles, we did a short intro, and then we present a rerun of that show from 2017. Cyndi and I are planning (and have reservations) for the next Total, in April 2024. - Gary K4AAQ

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HRN 490: A Little Hole in the Sky (RERUN of HRN 343) W0DHG, AC4ZO, KD4ACW, K4AAQ