HRN 474: Ask Me Nothing
Our sarcastic take on the Ask Me Anything shows when there’s nothing to talk about. Gary K4AAQ leads off this Sunday morning show after combing Reddit and finding yet another ham asking about calling CQ on… well, in this case, it’s simplex on FM on 2 meters and 70 cm. Seems somebody got on his case about it. Ring any bells? HamRadioNow 315 comes to mind (Do NOT Call CQ on Repeaters). So, yeah, repeaters, but the points are valid for simplex FM, too.
About this point, David W0DHG logged in and we review the responses. Gary was hoping somebody would have linked to his iconic show. Nobody had, until a chat-room viewer took care of it (thanks, chat-room!).
Then Jim NO1PC joined the Zoom, and discovered a broken connection in his audio system (remember the ‘mungy’ audio Gary complained about in the last show?). He fixed it on the fly.
Then David had to get ready for his WaveTalkers show, and we wrapped up.
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