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HRN 459 PROMO: (Almost) In the Zoom Where It Happened (AR Emergency Prep Act)

This is the PROMO for Sunday’s live episode 459. Gary’s clever title is (Almost) In the Zoom Where It Happened, ‘It’ is the Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act, the new iteration of legislation to require HOAs to permit Amateur Radio antennas. We reviewed the version of the Act that was introduced in December in our last episode. This time, our guests will be two of the hams who were on the ARRL committee that drafted the new bill.

Tune in to the LIVE stream on Sunday, January 15, 2023 at 7 pm Pacific, 10 pm Eastern, 0300Z (Monday morning). Or watch the replay later.

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HRN 459 PROMO: (Almost) In the Zoom Where It Happened (AR Emer Prep Act) W0DHG, NO1PC, K4AAQ